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CORU Pathway Program

"CORU Pathway Program: Bridging Gaps for Successful Registration"

The "CORU Pathway Program", also known as the "CORU Qualification Alignment Course", is a comprehensive program designed to address the differences, gaps, and shortfalls for successful CORU registration. Depending on the profession, assessors may require hospital experience, the use of specific equipment, expertise in certain core areas, or a set number of hours of clinical experience.




We offer both theoretical and practical placements, supervised by UK and Irish registered clinicians. The certificates earned upon completion can be used in CORU applications as well as for job applications in the UK and Ireland.

After completing the course, candidates will have a thorough understanding of the required standards, systems, and assessment methods. The certificate is especially valuable for those who have gaps in their experience, limited clinical exposure, or missing elements in their curriculum and transcript.

The CORU application requires meeting specific standards, including treatment methods, assessment, equipment use, confidentiality, and patient care. If these were lacking in your previous experience, our course covers all aspects needed to meet CORU’s requirements.

We offer our courses for the following professions:



social workers 

homeopatic doctors 

The course can be completed either in India or the UK.

100% of our participants find our courses beneficial for both the CORU application and the interview process in Ireland and the UK.

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