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HCPC Registration if your clinical speciality is not listed on the HCPC website

HCPC Registration if your clinical speciality is not listed on the HCPC website

Sometimes your clinical speciality will not be listed on the HCPC list of professions.

Many candidates wonder whether they can submit the HCPC Registration form in such a case.

The answer depends on your clinical experience and the overall education.

For instance, microbiologists and biotechnologists can submit an application form as Biomedical Scientists.

Also, biochemists can also apply as a Biomedical Scientists via HCPC Registration pathway for international candidates.

However, it is crucial to bear in mind that HCPC assessors will assess your experience and CV against the standards of proficiency used for biomedical scientists.

HCPC Registration forms would need to be completed very carefully and lab experience will be essential.

Lab technicians and medical lab scientists who graduated abroad can submit application forms via the HCPC Registration route for Radiographers.

There are also some candidates with a degree in pathology, medical techniques and laboratory science.

They can also fill in the HCPC Registration forms via the International Pathway for Radiographers.

Yet again, the outcome would depend on the candidate’s experience and education gained in their home country.

For further information please contact Monroe Medical.


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